Monday 7 April 2014

Harish Hosalkar: An Orthopaedics Dynamo

Dr. Harish Hosalkar, a talented orthopaedic surgeon, has developed a first class reputation. Hosalkar has built his reputation by working feverishly to ensure his patients get the best results from his orthopedic treatments.

Harish Hosalkar believes in the potential of modern medicine. Hosalkar relies on cutting-edge surgical treatment options to create the quickest possible recoveries. Dr. Harish Hosalkar’s work spans nearly the entire spectrum of orthopaedic medicine. A specialist in hip preservation and reconstruction, Harish Hosalkar has spent much of a lifetime developing better hip treatment methods. Hosalkar was integral in the foundation of the Center for Hip Preservation and Children's Orthopaedics in San Diego in 2013.
Dr. Harish Hosalkar displays an unwavering compassion and concern for his patients. 
Hosalkar works with his patients to create viable and effective treatment options. Harish Hosalkar has exhibited unparalleled care when it comes to his patients’ treatment and recovery. 

Hosalker cares about an individual patient’s needs. Dr. Harish Hosalkar takes the best from traditional methods and combines them with state-of-the-art techniques to provide the best possible treatments. Harish Hosalkar works in and with professional orthopaedic organizations to learn and develop cutting-edge surgical technique.

Dr. Harish Hosalkar is a multiple-award winner recognized for his performance and contributions to orthopaedic medicine. Hosalkar’s integrity, diligence and work ethic have propelled him to the top of his profession.Harish Hosalkar works nonstop in his pursuit of more effective and efficient orthopaedic surgical method. Dr. Hosalkar’s achievements are an inspiration to his colleagues and a testament to his fortitude. 

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